i luv u, u love me, we r a happy family. :D

Sunday, 27 March 2011

hotest topic these days..........PAKISTAN V.S INDIA...............

HMM......the big match is real near now........only two more days and then either burnt posters of players on road or parties at recreational and exiting places.......fingers crossed no one knows what is going to come........
well if i talk about my inception so up till today i was quite positive that we will win but as i heared that our prime minister is going to India to inspect the match...........my hopes went dead.......well going any further i want to give a huge round of  applause to my goverment on their fair governance.....hahahahah.....sory.....bt cant help my self.....so cuz we all know what kind of people do we have in our government and with their personalities am quite sure and afraid that if they are tagged in the situation of picking money or dignity of Pakistan, they would surely pick the  money..........so with that pissing off attitude they r gona shit pakistan........sory for my repulsive words bt there is no another explanation for them........coming back to the match well .........the match is gona be smething huge, smething big than cricket....smething huge and powerfull............
ohhhh............cant think the after effect of the match............
well lets just luk at the bright side...........whoever wins the cup is for sure coming to south asia.......lol.....
one last thing............... cricket is a game and like any other game just let it remain as a game..........and in evey game at the end there is one winner and all other loosers but that does not mean that u take it damn serious and involve political, diplomatic affairs of a country in it..................so be positive with it and stay tuned to the big match on wednesday and my best regards for both the team....................
thnx for reading it.................

Saturday, 19 March 2011

PAKIIIIISSS...........FOR U......

before writing this blog i conducted a survey among people in my school and living in my area. the question i asked them was that "imagine u planted a tree and watered it, u like  gave ur best towards that tree.....soon it grew into a real beauty and provided u with many luscious and nectarous fruits and some really beautifull flowers and a protection againt sun light.............for a long period u enjoyed its bounties but one day a man came and he shed the whole tree and abundant it......now......what would be ur reaction?
i asked this question to like 82 people and almost 60% said they would shed the man.....other 12% said they would plant another one...few said they would talk to that person and settle the mater......some even said they would forgive him and leave the topic......
now just shift ur paradigm and think of that tree as pakistan......think of the man who planted it as our forefathers and our leaders and think of that man who destroyed it as youself.....and as  people around u including every single person......cuz no one among us carwes for pakistan we just enjoy its bounties, we never think of  comlications faced by our forefathers in establishing this country, cuz we never felt the problems ourselves.....cuz we were never part of their pain.....and thus we never think of pakistan as our own asset......
well....to Quaid-e-Azam pakistan meant "PESHAWAR AND KARACHI IN SAME NATION AND TERRITORY". its an abbrevaton for pakistan......but today we turn that meaning into a question that are they togather....???? well....no, they are not together and only cuz of us......our mistakes and our blunders we made...........
our racism figths, our cultural values and religious values disintegration, our bribery, our lies, our fukin shit govermen t and our negative thinking for pakistan is surely takiing pakistan away from us.......well still its not too late and still we have tym to reface as one nation and take our nation back from those blody shits taking it away from us.........well its not time to think but do something for our future, for our present...
even before establishement a man said that "the country named pakistan would not surrive to see its 100 years and soon it would again conjure into the subordination of superior force" at that tym no one knew the answer but today we do know
we surrived though not in our original form..........but did.............but soon we would again crushed by people against us.................so why dont we brng all the miseries to end,,,,,,,be freind till the end and start a new trend..........plz dont let pakistan's flag go down cuz if pak remains we remain but if pak goes down we all go down

thnx for reading................

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Whatever the mind of man of man can convince and belief it can achieve………well that’s true to many theoritically and even practically but some due to lack of self steam or lack of chances can only pounder into it in their imagination why?? Cuz it implies efforts.
belief in yourself and wht u want to do depends on how much you worth it and how much u can strive for it.this is also the foundation of success but is only interpreted and practically applied when things like integrity,humbleness, fidelity temperance , courage , patience , industry,simplicity and modesty are conjured into a humanz mind……. Well a quote says' "a mans effort to integrate certain principles and habits lie deep within his nature".
To think u need to focus and to do smthing u need to keep focusing, hold ur paradigm, find the right thng and act upon it.
in this regard ur own self plays a vital role as ur attitude determines ur altitude.
so here is only one conclusive point:unless u hold a belief in ur self,in what u belief and in what u thnk and do is right u r worthless..............