i luv u, u love me, we r a happy family. :D

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Whatever the mind of man of man can convince and belief it can achieve………well that’s true to many theoritically and even practically but some due to lack of self steam or lack of chances can only pounder into it in their imagination why?? Cuz it implies efforts.
belief in yourself and wht u want to do depends on how much you worth it and how much u can strive for it.this is also the foundation of success but is only interpreted and practically applied when things like integrity,humbleness, fidelity temperance , courage , patience , industry,simplicity and modesty are conjured into a humanz mind……. Well a quote says' "a mans effort to integrate certain principles and habits lie deep within his nature".
To think u need to focus and to do smthing u need to keep focusing, hold ur paradigm, find the right thng and act upon it.
in this regard ur own self plays a vital role as ur attitude determines ur altitude.
so here is only one conclusive point:unless u hold a belief in ur self,in what u belief and in what u thnk and do is right u r worthless..............

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